OpenPlant Modeler Help

Settings for Display dialog

Used to control:

  • which fields display in the Detail Center
  • the sequence that the fields display in Detail Center

Used to modify the display sorting. After modification of preset values and closing of the dialog box, the display will be restructured.

You can use filters, sort order, and grouping options to control field display. You can also save your display settings as a template and re-use them at any point in the future.

However, it is also possible to select your individually created template for the different work levels in the global settings of DetailCenter.

Accessed from:

  • Dialog: DetailCenter > (Display Settings).

Selection Display type

Here you select the fundamental type of display.

  • PS Standard – the component parts are displayed in the usual group/single part structure. In addition, loose single parts and model views will be displayed as well.
  • User defined – you determine the hierarchy of the display individually, i.e. you specify in which order the parts have to be sorted according to which properties.
Available display fields Select the desired property field of a part, which has to be added to the tree structure.
Selected Data Fields The currently selected property fields of the structure. The order corresponds to the hierarchy level in the tree display (sorting order).

The property field corresponds to the type of this property. It depends on the data of the parts to be represented which entries will actually be displayed.

Note: If you have e.g. selected the length as property, an entry will be created on this hierarchy level for each existing shape length and all components having the same length will be subordinate to this property.
Standard Filter Only those parts will be displayed that meet the specified filter condition. In the selection list, some pre-defined filter conditions are offered for selection, which however cannot be modified by you.
User-defined Filter

Only those parts will be displayed that meet the specified filter condition. The filter condition here is completely user-defined.

The selected properties for the structure and those for the filter don’t have to be identical. It is for example possible to display a sorting only according to the length but filter out the component type rib completely with it.

User-defined Additional Filter An additional second filter; this filter is logically linked with the user-defined filter by AND, thus, a component part has to meet both conditions (and if need be the conditions of the standard filter).
Selection List Select one of the filter templates that you specified in the corresponding list. Select Current Settings when you haven’t created any template and you want to use the current settings of the filter dialog instead.

Clicking (Create or edit display filter) opens the Edit Display Filter dialog.

Sort Order

Here, you select the order of the entries.

  • Ascending – The entries are displayed in an ascending numerical or alphabetical order (1,2,3,4...).
  • Descending – The entries are displayed in a descending numerical or alphabetical order (...4,3,2,1).
  • No Sorting – The entries are not sorted.
Show Entries 1x

Each component part is displayed only once in the whole tree structure. The position numbers serve as criterion of comparison, separated in groups and single parts.

If a part having the same position (e.g. a rib) is situated in two different group positions, this is only displayed in the first group.

New Per Group

Each component part is displayed only once in the whole tree structure, but each single part of a group will be registered anew per group.

If a part having the same position (e.g. a rib) is situated in two different group positions, this is displayed exactly once in each group.

Group Display Here, you select the way group parts will be displayed.
  • As Group Structure – The building components, substructures and bolts of a group are subordinate to the group entry. This allows an easy selection of any part of a group.
  • Only Single Parts – Only the actual parts of a group are displayed, but not the group entries themselves.
  • Group and Single Parts – The groups (as an entry without subordinate parts) and the actual parts of this group are displayed of equal value side by side.

The advantage of this separation is that in case of a user-defined sorting you can arrange the group and the component parts separately. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible to register the single parts in the case the group has not been registered. Nor would it be possible to separate e.g. in groups, substructures and building components of equal value side by side.

With Pre-sort The entries are preliminarily sorted according to views, groups, if need be, main parts /building components, substructures and loose single parts (depending on the selected group display), if you have selected OpenPlant Modeler standard sorting.
No empty Folder The entry of preliminary sorting is not displayed if it doesn’t contain any further entry.